Monday, March 8, 2010

Dear Ani,

I was happy to receive your letter. It had been much too long, although you are excused. :) Those words cause me think of the love story on the back of the post cards that we were reading. Remember when Earnest said something to Esther Gordy about waiting on a letter? I so wish I knew how that story ended!! Did Earnest get Esther??? He seemed like such a swell guy and quite smitten, so I sure hope so! I could dream about the two of them and imagine their story. When I showed my mother in law the post cards I purchased, she said, "Oh my, they did have a sense of humor back then!" haha!! Of course they did and she knew they did, but they were quite clever.

I want to go back to the days of post cards and true blue letters and yet I don't. I was recently telling Rae about how very hard it was to move so far away from family when I married and it was back when long distance calls were so expensive and as much as I love to look back on letters now, it was so hard to wait on when then. I loved getting them, but not knowing when they were coming, or if, and waiting- that wasn't easy. Especially for impatient me.

How did the root beer sandwiches turn out? :)

Wes is doing better. He just left to have his staples removed. Oy. Staples in the flesh, makes no kind of sense to me!! But my friend that you met the other day is not doing well. She told me this morning that she is headed to the doctor so I best go so I can call and check up on her.

I hope all is well. Please smooch on JT for me. I am so sad I never got to tell him bye when you made your trip here. I was going to say something like, "Next time check with my calendar when you visit to be sure I'll have the time to see you often!" but the bottom line is, with Wes' getting ill, we were going to be limited anyways. Phooey!

I love you much! And I am sending a not so great photograph of how I've framed 3 of my 8 post cards. :)


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