Monday, February 8, 2010

Dear Ani Lu,

How is my snowed in little sister? Are you hanging in there? Do you have cabin fever yet?

I am about to tell you something that I don't think I have ever said before. You know I am reading The Blind Side, right? Well (here goes) I think the movie is better than the book. Can you believe it? I have only heard great things about the movie but this book is dragging. I want to read an inspirational story, and maybe the book would be inspirational to football fans because for pages, even whole chapters, Michael Oher isn't even mentioned, just football details. Last night I skipped a whole chapter about football in the 70's and 80's. I want to read about Big Mike who plays football, not about football with a little Mike.

My over-sized cookie turned out! When I was asked to make it, it was for the purpose of putting a star on top made from fruit and the person that asked ended up getting blueberries. It turns out blueberries got perfectly atop a sugar cookie. I kid you not, it was truly one of the yummiest desserts I have had in a while.

Big things are coming for me and my family and I don't think I am prepared for it. My 40th birthday :-O and Rae turning 16 :-O . It's not here yet and I am already feeling a bit reflective and junk. (I am using the more negative 'and junk' to show that I am not too happy about it all) My thoughts and emotions are all over the place on these changes.

I must run and get my Monday chores done.

Much love,

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