Friday, October 2, 2009

Dear Ani,

I did something very rare today. I took my children to school and went back to bed. I am not sick but have been feeling a little under the weather (there IS a difference, in my book) and I have much to do today so I decided a little sleeping in might do the trick. I hope I am right, I haven't begun to tackle the day yet, but I'll find out soon enough. But I did make sure to send my two youngest off with hair and clothes done just so, because they have school pictures today. Sadly, Zoe woke up with puffy eyes, I gave her a decongestant and hoping that'll do the trip before her pictures. If that was even the problem.

We are going to South Carolina this weekend for our traditional (traditional only when Gary is not working) 'Going Home for General Conference' event. So today I am preparing my home for a weekend away so that when we return Sunday evening it will be to a clean and tidy home. The laundry after a trip away is always enough and expected, so everything else should be in order before we go. On top of a trip home to prepare for, Naomi's 11th birthday is on Sunday, so I am needing to tie up loose ends for that. I am almost finished shopping for her birthday, but I haven't yet wrapped her presents and I think we are going to buy an ice cream cake there in town. (can't hardly travel with an ice cream cake) In our home, girls can get their ears pierced at 11, I plan to surprise her and let her get it done right after school today. I remember when she watched Rae get her ears pierced that she swore she would never get hers done, and I was really hoping she would stick with that but about a year ago she was on the ear piercing train. I have a small pit in my stomach about her getting it done today because it hurts. I don't know why everyone denies that. And of course, because growing up dad didn't allow us to get our ears pierced, I do feel a ever-so-slight bit guilty, as though I am letting her do something wrong. I know it's not, but it's a teeny little feeling left over from my youth, I reckon.

Yesterday I finished our Halloween decorations. I am loving it! I only put Halloween decorations in my dining room. I think the red walls in the dining room make it the perfect place. The rest of the house is filled with Fall decor, lots of pumpkins and all.

Where did September go? That's what I want to know! I know that once my kids are in school, my feeling is, 'then bring me Fall', but I can't believe it came so fast. October is going to be such a busy month too. I hope I'll be able to enjoy the month, I hope I'll have time to.

I am glad you remembered the name of the song- Ladies Night, it actually wasn't coming to me. All I know is, I was driving along and seeing to it on the radio and when the words Sophisticated Momma came on, I thought- that's me! I don't think I'll ever be accused of being sophisticated but it's half right and it tickled me.

I am looking forward to General Conference. Am I ever! It seems that right when I am on the brink of dying of thirst, General Conference comes along and fills my cup. Even to overflowing. I can hardly wait. I love this church!

Hope to hear from you soon.


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